Francesca Pietra
Director, Industry Partnerships and Commercialization (Partnerships Lead), Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College LondonI have always tried to understand what really motivates me and “gets me out of bed” in order to steer my decisions in that direction. It is also about taking opportunities that come by and sometimes taking a leap of faith
Lucas Carreras Vinent
Team Lead - Development at Johnson MattheyMy research training set me up to… Organise my time and available resources efficiently and understand the value of determination and perseverance.
Adrian Hery Barranco
Marketing Officer at Biosynth CarbosynthI consider myself a permanent student and I am always curious
Philipp Langer
Senior Associate Consultant at Cambridge Healthcare Research (CHR)The problem-solving aspect is what I enjoy the most and the direct impact/value my work has is very rewarding.
Caroline Evans
Head of Chemistry at Wellington CollegeI’m very glad I did a PhD. Going through the experience made me a much better teacher.
Ashley Page
Consultant at NewtonConsulting seemed like a natural place to apply the analytical skills that I’d gained during my PhD, whilst providing the opportunity for enormous professional development.
Dean Holt
Chemistry Teacher and Sports Coach at Harrow SchoolI think the really key part of a PhD is learning how to break a problem down into solvable steps.
Lisa Gallacher
Senior Medical Writer at Porterhouse MedicalI love working in a challenging, diverse and fast-paced environment with a great team of people who make work fun and enjoyable.
Peter Silcock
Partner - Patent Attorney at J A KempThanks to my background I am comfortable dealing with inventions based on creative science and have a strong understanding of the research environments in academia and industry.