Marina Maritati
EU Projects Coordinator & Molecular Biologist at AquaBioTech Group (Malta)I am finally doing something I love and that gives me confidence, something that allows me to use my existing skills but also get new ones.
I am finally doing something I love and that gives me confidence, something that allows me to use my existing skills but also get new ones.
Trust the process, be patient, trust yourself, there are always possibilities even when we stop seeing them
That there will come a day when the rejection ends!
If you love science but think that the communication part is still missing, do not hesitate. Prepare yourself in face of whatever you see as your limitations and weaknesses and go for it!
If I was going to turn this into my ideal job, what bits of it would I keep, what would I lose, and what would I want to add?
Transitioning out of academia is not easy–it takes time but find a way to use your skills and training for whatever is next.
Don’t be concerned about leaving academia; there are many opportunities outside of academia which offer the same challenges but with greater rewards.
On reflection, I’m not sure my aim was ever to remain in academia!
Working with such an amazing collection and with world experts. Being able to combine my interests in science, Egyptology, and heritage.